A simple Redis client written in Groovy and using Jedis

We're testing some code which publishes data to Redis and we wrote the script below. @GrabResolver(name='Maven Central', root='http://repo1.maven.org/') @Grab(group='redis.clients', module='jedis', version='2.1.0') import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub class DefaultPubSubImpl extends JedisPubSub {…

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HornetQ 2.0.0.GA Example: embedded, no jndi, configured programmatically

The following code is based on the example provided in the hornetq-2.0.0.GA-src zip file, specifically the instantiate-connection-factory example located in the examples/jms/instantiate-connection-factory/ directory. The code below is written in Groovy…

Continue ReadingHornetQ 2.0.0.GA Example: embedded, no jndi, configured programmatically